Make-up Testing / Proctoring

Make-up Testing

Make-up Testing

If a faculty member wishes for a student to make up an exam, the Testing Center offers proctored testing free of charge to students in any MCCC class.  The instructor must supply the test and Testing Services Request Form to the Testing Center.  The form and the test can be hand delivered to the Testing Center or emailed to

Test Proctoring

The Testing Center offers test proctoring to our students and guests. We provide both on-line and paper and pencil tests.  Please refer to the Test Proctoring Brochure for more information.

Testing Services Request Form


Contact Information

Testing Center


Building / Office IconFounders Hall - F160
Phone Icon (734) 384-4255


Testing is by appointment only


Mon.-Thurs.: 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Fridays: 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Closed Sat. and Sun.